My beautiful faithful sister is losing her fight
Donation protected
Losing is not the right word.
Her faithfulness has been amazing. She has lived much longer than doctor ever expected her to live. I believe it’s because God needed her to share her faith in Jesus and His saving grace of salvation for those who might not believe. She will soon be with Jesus praising and dancing and no more pain. Only worshiping and praise. She deserves the rest. I’m looking forward to seeing her in heaven. That’s the promise!
Thank you all for your support and generosity. I’ll be closing this out now. No funds are needed.
New Updated!
Fay has all but $10,000. Because
Aflac is not paying her. This is a desperate plea. Any donation is welcome. Please
How we (The Pollard Family) started in Salem. We (Grace, 13, Fay, 12, Mary, 10, Sonny, 3, Doris, 2.) were left by our alcoholic parents, 1967. We were already wards of the court, because of our parents’ neglect. We were in separate homes. We kept in contact in those days by having our boyfriends or foster parents let us go see our siblings. It was not common back then to let siblings see each other. Like it is now.
Doris was adopted at age 9. We have not seen or heard from her. Grace married young, just out of foster care at 18, Fay the same. Fay had three children. Mary floated around and in and out of addiction. Grace became alcohol addicted and prescriptions, and got sober in 1987. Fay took in Sonny at 11 years old. Fay went back to school got her college degree, and a Master’s. She was always a high achiever. Fay is an extrovert. Grace is an introvert. Mary has been absent for a few years now. Although, she has been in contact with Fay. Sonny is a cross between Grace and Fay, personality. Both Fay and Sonny are both very funny. Both could be comedians.
Fay and Grace were Blessed to have really good foster parents. Mary and Sonny had it a whole harder. Life isn’t always fair. You are probably wondering by now why we are telling this story. Well, it is simple really. We have always stuck together and we will always be there for each other. Sometimes, even when the others do want us. This is what has kept us alive and thriving all these years. FAMILY! Every child wants a family and this is our family. Our parents are dead now. Fay and I did make our peace with our parents for leaving us, only by the Grace of God. We have an Uncle, 3 Cousins, 5 Second Cousins. We lost our Aunt Dee in 2016. Our little family is getting smaller all the time. Grace lost both of her foster parents; Fay lost her foster dad. We feel extremely blessed by God to have had the lives we have. Many other foster children do Not thrive, as we have most of the time. Grace and Fay have been foster parents at one time or another. We know the hardship it puts on children when they are separated from there parents, especially if it is not their doing.
Sonny and Grace want to personally thank everyone who has donated to Fay’s fund. Our story is one of survival and Fay is a huge part our life and we cannot image our life without her in it. Yes, death is a part of life, however when there is a possible way to save your love one, that does not seem to compute with our hearts.
Anyone who knows Fay knows she loves Jesus and her allotment goal is to be like Him, and bring as many people to Christ as humanly possible. There is no one who makes it more fun, never boring and always cheerful. Super high energy and love for others. Everyone she meets is her friend. Just ask her 5000 Facebook Friends.
If, you feel called to donate please know we are eternally grateful for every penny and every prayer. We want you all to know how much you mean to Fay and as always remember Jesus loves you and wants you to be in His family today.
Fay is my sister, so of course I am wanting to help her. However, she has helped so many for many years and never asked for anyone's help. So, I am asking for her with her permission. Here is her story.
Dear Friends of Fay Demeyer-Aunspaugh,
Fay was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer on 6/20/23. Since that date, Fay has sought the traditional medical opinions and options offered by doctors locally in her home state of Oregon. The summary of the prognosis received by the medical community was that Fay had Pancreatic cancer and that there were limited treatment options available. Those treatments included Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy. These treatments and the addition of her pursuing a healthy lifestyle limited her lifespan to 6 months to a year and offered little hope. These treatments also promise diminished quality of her life likely for the duration.
Fay, being well known for being a person who is willing to educate herself and advocate for herself and others over her lifetime, has sought alternative treatment plans. In her search, she found Brio Medical Cancer Center. Brio Medical Cancer Center has interviewed Fay, reviewed her records, and determined that they can offer more hope than the traditional treatment options she has thus far been offered.
“Brio Medical Cancer Center has a wide selection of natural holistic remedies that can greatly minimize the adverse symptoms of the disease and the side effects of various treatments.”
Brio Medical Cancer Center uses what they call, “Alternative Cancer medicine and practices.” Brio also focuses on mental and emotional wellness, what Brio Medical Cancer Center has offered to Fay most, is hope.
Fay, a life-long overcomer, has hope and believes God has a purpose for her life and its continuance. She looks to her heavenly Father when contemplating all things and firmly believes that this program at Brio Medical Cancer Center offers more hope than traditional medicine has shown so far in her journey living with Pancreatic Cancer.
More information about Brio Medical Cancer Center can be obtained from their web page at Brio-Medical | Dr. Nathan Goodyear, MD | Scottsdale, AZ
What we are hoping to achieve on this page is the following; Fay needs $100,000 to provide 7-week treatment (70,000) and housing, transportation and other items not covered by Insurance during those 7- weeks. She will check in at Brio on September 11. Time is of the essence.
Dear Friends and Family and followers of Fay Demeyer-Augnspaugh & Dan Aunspaugh, the “FayDay Show”, and “Oh the Humanity” you all likely add up to 5,500 or more people (just on Fay’s feed). 5,500 x $25 = $137,500. More hope for Fay is more hope for us all as she will continue to invest in our youth, families and individuals in need.
If, you are unable to give know that your continued prayers are greatly appreciated and Fay is more than aware how God has used all of you to get her to this point. Fay knows the sacrifice of giving, from tithing at home church to sponsoring Charity Tables for Union Gospel, Liberty House, Catholic Community Services, CASA, Connections365, United Way, Church @ the Park, OYA, with Personal Donations of food and counseling services as needed. She is usually self-supporting working 2-3 jobs. She is not able to do any work right now. While Fay will be getting the best of care, it is not covered under insurance, because it is outside of western medicine.
If you are not comfortable with online giving. Please take your donation to Willamette Bank, Downtown Branch. They will be put into Fay’s Medical Account and you can call/text/email her letting her know you support her effort to live and continue her generous giving to her community and God as she is directed. Private message Fay if you do not donate online.
Thank you in advance and God Bless your generosity!

Grace Burch
Vista, CA