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Save Woodcock Hill Village Green

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Woodcock Hill Village Green is a much loved open space, it is situated in the green belt, it is a designated local wild life site and home to muntjac deer, fox’s badgers a plethora of birds and a diverse collection of plants. The area is home to much aquatic and semi aquatic wildlife who call the five Woodcock Hill ponds home. This is all set to be lost as developers Taylor Wimpey look to develop the land. In 2020 Taylor Wimpey applied to deregister the Village Green and replace it with inferior land. The campaign to save the land that is home to so much wildlife began in 1996 and this saw the beginning of the Woodcock Hill village Green committee. In 2008 the land was saved and Village Green status was granted. In 2024 the case to save the land home to so much wildlife will be heard, The Rt.Hon Lord Justice Singh who will be presiding stated that there is a real prospect of success. Please donate and help save this very important piece of land from developers and save the habitats of the wildlife that call woodcock Hill Home the area. The challenge will be costly and every penny will count.

Donativos (1)

  • sandra sandra parnell
    • £50 
    • 11 mos
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