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Spende geschützt
My name is Anna Kirkpatrick. I am a friend of Brennan Taylor's. During the Christmas Eve flood of 2015, Brennan's house became a total loss as it was completely under water. Yellowjacket Creek, which runs right behind the cabin that Brennan and his dad built together, entered flood stage (8 ft is flood stage), and the water eventually reached up to 13 ft. Brennan was able to salvage some of his belongings such as clothes, shoes, etc; however,  unfortunately he doesn't have insurance and he will need help raising money for resources to rebuild his home. Let's get together and show him how many people care!


  • Jo Payne
    • $100
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Anna Kirkpatrick
LaGrange, GA
Brennan Taylor

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