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World Turned Upside Down! #HelpForBaron

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My name is Susie Pietz and I am from Bellevue, WA.  This is for my good friend Baron Li and his family.  This is their story…

On Friday July 10th, as Baron was leaving to go to work, someone started shooting at him. The assailant shot more than 10 times, hitting Baron with NINE bullets, six of which were at point blank range. Baron was rushed to the hospital and underwent a long surgery to remove two of the four bullets that got lodged in his body. The other two are too dangerous to remove and will remain. Kiro News Story about shooting 

Baron is so lucky to have survived this encounter.  Things could have turned out worse!  It is unknown who attempted to kill him and the police are investigating. He has a long road to recovery and needs a sense of safety and security for he and his family so he can focus on recovery. His right arm is shattered because it was hit multiple times as he tried to shield himself. He will need future surgeries to repair it. He will also need a hip replacement.

The future medical costs are unknown and he is still in the hospital recovering.  He is on unpaid leave from his company, which has raised a huge concern over how he will afford his medical expenses as well as his everyday expenses.

Baron’s young son Arik has Dystonia and Kernectirus and requires 24/7 care.  Baron recently won full custody of Arik from his ex-wife.  His wife, Didee, has been providing constant care for Arik.  Unfortunately, since the shooting, Arik has been placed in respite care so that Didee can support Baron.  Without Didee’s income as a care giver, or Baron’s income from his job, there could come a time where Baron will lose custody of Arik because he can’t provide the adequate environment for Arik.

All donations will be used to help Baron and Didee with medical bills, any rehab Baron will need as well as every day expenses until Baron can resume working. Any little bit will help.  If you are not in a position to help out, prayers for him are welcome. 

Thank you with all of my heart,

Susie Pietz on behalf of Baron Li and Family



  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 2 yrs
  • Jill Smith
    • $25 
    • 3 yrs
  • Gena Maier
    • $25 
    • 3 yrs
  • Toni Triplett McKee
    • $20 
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 3 yrs

Spendenteam: #HelpforBaron (2)

Susie Pietz
Bellevue, WA
Baron Li
Baron Li
Team member

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