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Spende geschützt
A freemason´s quest to summit Mt. Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas, to raise charity funds for the Spanish homeless.


The challenge
To scale Mt. Aconcagua, "White Sentinel" in the indigenous language, to raise charity funds for the Spanish homeless. The mountain is 6.962 m.a.s.l, it's located in the Andes range in Argentina, and is the highest mountain in the world outside the Himalayas. It forms part of the "Seven Summits".

The goal
As part of the effort of the provincial 2014 Festival, to raise 5.000 euros for the purchase of a Red Cross mobile health center, a refurbished motorhome that covers the health and hygiene needs of the homeless all over the Alicante province.

The people
The expedition to ascend Mt. Aconcagua will be led by Mr. Thomas Ronning, a brother from San Juan no. 28 and the Steward´s lodge no. 154, both regular lodges of Spain and the province of Valencia.

The climb
The expedition takes place during 20 days in December 2013, with estimated summit date the 15th of December. The climbing route is the "Polish Traverse" on the North East side of the mountain. The approach is done by the Vacas Valley.

The fundraisers
There will be distributed sponsorship forms for those who want to support Mr. Ronning´s challenge. Business owners can buy logo spots. Lectures will be held and merchandise sold. More information is available on the expedition´s webpages.

The masonic angle
Mr. Ronning´s charity quest has the support of the The Grand Provincal Lodge of Valencia. At the Provincial Assembly in 2014, there will be raffled a masonic object, entrusted to the quest by the Provincial Grand Master R.H. Barrie Roy Mansell, that has been taken to the summit by Mr. Ronning, and back down again.

The money
For your comfort, donations or purchases will be handled directly by your own lodge treasurer, or by default the treasurer of San Juan no. 28. The money will be forwarded to the provincial 2014 festival account and ear marked. All donations in favour of the "White Sentinel Charity Climb" will thus be accounted for in your lodge´s 2014 festival balance. The fundraising will be audited by Brother Jacob Magnussen from San Juan no. 28.

The news feed
The charity climb has already got news coverage in Norway and in the Scandinavian communities in Spain. The climb´s progress can be followed on the White Sentinel webpages, including map tracking features.

The webpages
Blog page: http://whitesentinelcharityclimb.blogspot.com.es/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whitesentinelcharityclimb
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WHITESENTINEL28

The spokesmen
Thomas Ronning: [E-Mail ausgeblendet], +34 647 056 267.
Jacob Magnussen: jacob@todo-agua.com, +34 628 313 210.


  • Bifrost Abogados
    • €500 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • Various donations from Norwegian Community in Alfaz del Pi
    • €472 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • Jacob Magnussen and masons
    • €168 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • Arne y Ingrid Ronning (my parents)
    • €100 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • Freemason's lodge San Juan no. 28
    • €330 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs


Thomas Ronning
L'Alfàs del Pi, VC

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