WhateverFest VI
For those that have already donated more than the wristband price, we have your goodies reserved. In the event that we do NOT have your size, we will make you a shirt and get it to you ASAP after the event. However, future purchases must be limited to the wristbands ONLY as the shirts and posters are in limited supply. If you want 'em, come on down and get 'em!
Here we are again! WhateverFest 6 has finally arrived!
This year is going to be bigger and better than ever. The festival is now a three-day outdoor extravaganza (May 6th, 7th, & 8th) featuring some of the best creative minds Detroit has to offer! Not only will we have 60+ musical performances, but we will also feature many live artists, merch/art vendors, art installations, and performance art throughout the festival.
THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: The entire festival will be a fundraiser and proceeds will be going to Community Push, The Youth Transit Alliance (Detroit Bus Co.), as well as a fund for Scripps Park.
For this reason we've been in contact with the city to be able to host it at Scripps. However, in order to do so we are required to get insurance, hire private security, and jump through a few expensive hoops. And that's what brings us here today.
All the money raised here will go towards the costs needed to put on the festival. At this point, we are required ~600 for security, 500 for on-site EMT services, 500 for sanitation, 300 for insurance, and other costs including sound, stages, personnell, etc.
By covering these costs BEFORE the festival, we will be able to ensure that the vast majority of the proceeds raised at the door will go to the organisations mentioned above.
$15 gets you a 3-day wristband, as well as access to the afterparties post-fest.
$20 gets you the wrist-band, and a poster
$25 gets you the wrist-band, and a WF t-shirt
$30 gets you the wrist-band, poster, and shirt.
Check out the event pages to keep updated on the festival, as well as the latest happenings!