URGENT: Sept. Board Mustangs WY14
Tax deductible
HELP the WY14 stay in the new pasture for September! $2500. Board is due September 1st. Go Fund Me takes 10% overhead so that's why the goal is $2750. The WY14 moved to a temporary pasture where they can graze and be free on 250+ acres until they can secure their permanent home--an educational eco-sanctuary. Please contact us if you would like to be part of this.

The WY14 are wild horses who were sold to Bouvry and rescued back from the slaughterhouse yard in Spring 2014 after a stealth roundup. Everyone over the age of 2 was slaughtered for human consumption. You can read more about the WY14 here: http://protectmustangs.org/?p=6870
We are working very hard to preserve the bloodline of this rare herd that was nearly wiped out.

Please HELP the WY14 with a tax-deductible donation today! They send their love and blessings.
In gratitude,
Anne Novak
Volunteer Executive Director
[email redacted]
Tel: [phone redacted]

The WY14 are wild horses who were sold to Bouvry and rescued back from the slaughterhouse yard in Spring 2014 after a stealth roundup. Everyone over the age of 2 was slaughtered for human consumption. You can read more about the WY14 here: http://protectmustangs.org/?p=6870
We are working very hard to preserve the bloodline of this rare herd that was nearly wiped out.

Please HELP the WY14 with a tax-deductible donation today! They send their love and blessings.
In gratitude,
Anne Novak
Volunteer Executive Director
[email redacted]
Tel: [phone redacted]

Anne Novak
Berkeley, CA
Andean Tapir Fund