Rehab & medical equipment for Tasha
Natasha is a vibrant friendly and careing 23 year old, orginally from Liverpool England , that has been living in Costa Blanca Spain for the past 5 years
She has spent her adult life caring for both young and old, in various rolls from being a child care holiday rep, to working in the local bars and clubs in spain.
Unfortunaletly due to a terrible turn of fate she has been struck down by not 1, not 2 but 3 debilitating illnesses, that have tranformed her life.
She suffers from 3 incurable illnesses,
Hemplegic Migraines. http://www.migrainetrust.org/factsheet-hemiplegic-migraine-10913
Myasthenia Gravis. http://www.uptodate.com/contents/myasthenic-crisis
Transverse Myalitis. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/transversemyelitis/detail_transversemyelitis.htm#3234_1
Of which the the later 2 have caused major disabilities.
In October 2015 , she was rushed in to Hospital with breathing difficulties. and admitted to ICU, where she spent the next 5 weeks fighting for her life, and she was suffering from Myasthenia Crisis, a critical stage that was tryiing to stop her lungs from working.
Natasha has now been in and out if hospital on numerous occasions, of which she has spent many days in icu.
The effect of these illnesses has resulted in her currently having no movement from the waist down, unable to see through her left eye, and using a ventilator to breath.
Despite all this, Natasha has still kept her positive attitude and sense of humour.
Tasha is currently undergoing an intense course of chemotherapy, in order to try and slow down her illness, and allow medication to try and keep it under control.
Thanks to all the support, and donations , we have been able to purchase many medical items, to help her at home.
Unfortunately due to yet another attack in June of this year, Natasha is no longer well enough to be transferred from her wheelchair to a vehicle, so now is in need of a vehicle that will allow her to stay in her wheelchair, to enable her to travel. Socially and to medical appointments.
Tasha's life has been turned upside down, at the tender age of 23 and is dependant on expensive medication on a daily basis.