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We Become the Dream is a non-profit organization that has launched our first big project to provide support to Georgia's most vulnerable children. Through our various programs, WBD is committed to the protection, education, and empowerment of children and youth in the child welfare system.

When many children enter foster care, they are given TWO trash bags to carry the things they call their own. In addition, state agencies provide an ANNUAL clothing allowance of only $206.00 for children ages 0-12 and $309.00 for youth ages 13 and older. Parents in traditional families spend an average of $285 for back to school shopping alone. 

My name is Ashley Jones, and as cofounders of WBD, my mother and I believe that every child, no matter the circumstance, should be showered with love and support.  No questions asked. Children and youth who are in the child welfare system are just like any other children- they require love, attention, and care. In order to address the most immediate needs, We Become the Dream has created the Precious Cargo Project that will supply children and teens with care packages filled with extra clothes, shoes, school supplies, and more. 

We are trying to raise this money in order to provide children with more than the $200 or $300 stipend allows. ALL children will be given extra sets of clothes and a duffel bag to replace the trash bags they are given upon entering foster care. The contents of each bag will differ depending on the age of the child. Infants will receive diapers, wipes, and bottles or baby food. Toddlers will receive diapers/wipes (if applicable), a stuffed animal, coloring books and crayons. Children under the age of 12 will receive necessary school supplies, a hygiene kit, and a toy. Youth ages 13 and older will receive necessary school supplies, a hygiene kit, and an additional age appropriate item. Imagine how it must feel to be a child travelling to unfamiliar places with just a trash bag and only a few of your valuable items. Please help us provide care packages to our most vulnerable children and make them feel special. Any donation is accepted and appreciated more than you know! 

Visit our website below to see other programs WBD will be offering. Again, thank you for your support and please spread the word!


  • Brittney Greene
    • $10 
    • 9 yrs


Ashley Nicole
Roswell, GA

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