Help us save our house
I've updated the amount needed because I'm still searching for a job, my stepdad (who was my dad just like my dad is, I got VERY LUCKY with stepparents and just got more awesome parents) just died. I'm helping my mom, helping my grandparents, and currently eight hundred miles from home. I'm tired and scared but y'all have helped so much.
More about my situation and me for new people below:
I'm a queer, disabled, trans dude. I've been searching for a job since my ex bounced and left me with our kiddo (the human one, not the fuzzy one above) over four years ago. I haven't been able to find one. Due to another job loss in my family, the support I did have is at an end and the mortgage company is breathing down my neck.
I've been able to stave them off with odd jobs, online support, and what little stimulus money there was. I'm trying.
And hey, if you know of an online job (especially tech support, technical writing, or looking over queer, especially transmasc characters) let me know?
I really hate to ask for help and if you even read this, thank you. If you have nothing like so many of us do right now, please, just signal boost. Any little bit helps and you taking the time to come check this out means the world.
You're amazing. Thank you.