Our moms fight against Cancer
Phyllis Holmes DeVarney
Fight Against Cancer
Kim and I have set up this campaign to help our mom who is fighting cancer. She was diagnosed in February with uterine cancer and has undergone 5 weeks of radiation treatment. The picture above is our Mom on her last day of radiation treatment. Soon after the radiation we learned that her cancer had spread to her liver and lungs.
She has a long road ahead of her with starting with surgery scheduled for June 4th. Following the surgery she will undergo additional treatments.
We are doing our best to help in this time of need, but she can no longer work and is struggling to keep up with living expenses in addition to medical expenses.
Please consider making a donation to the family to help with the expenses. It is difficult to watch our mom stress over monthly bills when we want her to focus on her health. No amount is too small.
For those of you that know Phyllis she is always the first to take care of others no matter what, always putting her needs second. Please consider showing her the love and support like she has shown to others over the last 65 years.
Medical bills are mounting and monthly bills don't go away when you are sick and unable to work. Thank you for your consideration and taking the time to read this.
Any help you can give will be helpful. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!