My name is Ray, My 17 year old nephew was ran over by a drunk driver on 12-16-2003. he suffered a shattered hip, shattered pelvic, amputation of his left leg, complete nerve damage to his right leg among numerous other injuries. Joey was on life support for the first 4 months after the accident and then a little over a year after that, recovering in the hospitol. Joey had a bright future, doing well in high school and lots of friends like most 17 year old kids. now he is confined to his wheelchair. cannot work, medicare does not cover his medications needed just to help him live comfortably. his parents spend every dime they make buying his medications, calostomy bags and making him feel as comfortable as possible. the family has done all we can to help provide for him. unfortuneatly, this life changing event is just beyond our help alone. I ask you to please, watch this video of Joey. he is a very special kid that has had his childhood taken from him by one persons decision to get wasted and get behind the wheel and drive. the drunk drivers penelty was $200.00 per month restitution for 2 years. after 1-1/2 years he violated probation and went back to jail. Joey has not gotten another penny since. This boy needs help !!!!!!!