Help us get home!
Donation protected
Hey guys & gals.
First of all, we hate that we are having to do this. The last thing us 3 want to do, is sit here and ask for money from people, it’s not the kind of lads that we are. But we don’t have much choice.

If you are not aware, Daniel Hamlett, Daniel Norman & Patrick O’Donovan were staying in the October Hostel on Koh Phi Phi Island in Thailand. Around 4 hours after checking in, a disaster struck and the whole hostel was set on fire by a gas explosion. We were evacuated from the area, put on the beach with no knowledge of what was going on. Around 4 hours sat on the beach, debating where the fire was, it wasn’t until we walked back to collect our items when we realised the hostel we were staying in was the starting point of the blaze. Many people injured, buildings destroyed, peoples livelyhoods ruined.
We all lost our passports in the blaze, as well as numerous gadgets including MacBook’s, earphones, hard drives with a life’s work on it, as well as clothes, accessories, shoes, cash and much more, we estimate between the 3 of us, we’ve lost around £6,000 in value of personal belongings that night.

With our passports being destroyed, we also have to find our way back to China, which requires new passports, new visas, brand new plane tickets at the most expensive time of the year to return to China, Chinese New Year. As well as having an extended stay in Bangkok, all expenses that we never would have budgeted for, as we never thought something like this would happen to us!

We currently sit here, in the same 3 items of clothing on our back for 3 days straight. We are struggling to pay for a roof over our head in Bangkok, nevermind food and water. With the added expensive of the British Embassy, who offered us no financial support - and a £100 charge each. A huge dent has been put not only into our very limited cash supply, but also our will to stay positive. Feeling close to rock bottom, we just want to see an end to this nightmare and anything can aide towards this will be eternally gratified.

We are so lucky just to be alive, since 20 minutes difference could have made this unimaginably worse.
We are not asking for much, if anything at all. With people reaching out to us offering financial support, we have initially been hesistant to accept any - knowing that repayment would be difficult as we tried to replace the estential items now succumbed to ashes. As 3 proud guys we wanted to say no and do it by ourselves, but now we realise we can’t. If anyone would please like to help out in any way possible, any sort of donation that could help put money towards a flight ticket, a roof over our head, food or clothes, we would so greatly appreciate it. We did not want to ask for this, but in the past 3 days we have gone through hell and survived. Although at the moment we are lucky to be alive, lucky is probably the furthest from how we feel.
Thanks in advance for your donation, however small - it will help! We just want to go home and start to rebuild our lives.
Danny, Dan & Billy
First of all, we hate that we are having to do this. The last thing us 3 want to do, is sit here and ask for money from people, it’s not the kind of lads that we are. But we don’t have much choice.

If you are not aware, Daniel Hamlett, Daniel Norman & Patrick O’Donovan were staying in the October Hostel on Koh Phi Phi Island in Thailand. Around 4 hours after checking in, a disaster struck and the whole hostel was set on fire by a gas explosion. We were evacuated from the area, put on the beach with no knowledge of what was going on. Around 4 hours sat on the beach, debating where the fire was, it wasn’t until we walked back to collect our items when we realised the hostel we were staying in was the starting point of the blaze. Many people injured, buildings destroyed, peoples livelyhoods ruined.
We all lost our passports in the blaze, as well as numerous gadgets including MacBook’s, earphones, hard drives with a life’s work on it, as well as clothes, accessories, shoes, cash and much more, we estimate between the 3 of us, we’ve lost around £6,000 in value of personal belongings that night.

With our passports being destroyed, we also have to find our way back to China, which requires new passports, new visas, brand new plane tickets at the most expensive time of the year to return to China, Chinese New Year. As well as having an extended stay in Bangkok, all expenses that we never would have budgeted for, as we never thought something like this would happen to us!

We currently sit here, in the same 3 items of clothing on our back for 3 days straight. We are struggling to pay for a roof over our head in Bangkok, nevermind food and water. With the added expensive of the British Embassy, who offered us no financial support - and a £100 charge each. A huge dent has been put not only into our very limited cash supply, but also our will to stay positive. Feeling close to rock bottom, we just want to see an end to this nightmare and anything can aide towards this will be eternally gratified.

We are so lucky just to be alive, since 20 minutes difference could have made this unimaginably worse.
We are not asking for much, if anything at all. With people reaching out to us offering financial support, we have initially been hesistant to accept any - knowing that repayment would be difficult as we tried to replace the estential items now succumbed to ashes. As 3 proud guys we wanted to say no and do it by ourselves, but now we realise we can’t. If anyone would please like to help out in any way possible, any sort of donation that could help put money towards a flight ticket, a roof over our head, food or clothes, we would so greatly appreciate it. We did not want to ask for this, but in the past 3 days we have gone through hell and survived. Although at the moment we are lucky to be alive, lucky is probably the furthest from how we feel.
Thanks in advance for your donation, however small - it will help! We just want to go home and start to rebuild our lives.
Danny, Dan & Billy
Danny Hamlett