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SAVE MEL Please help Mel receive the only proven and effective treatment available for her Chronic Lyme Disease. Unfortunately this treatment is only available a very long distance away in Germany/Malaysia. It will cost $72,000 to make this happen.
You may be shocked to know that Lyme Disease is not acknowledged or treated effectively here in Australia. Mel has suffered and been bed-ridden for most of the last 14 long years with this life threatening illness and has run out of options...
Please watch Mel's story below to get a sense of the harrowing and frightening ordeal created by this horrible disease... And how you can help today.
Quick video - Mel's Story
Mel's story was on "The Project" on Channel 10 on the 14/7/2016, where she was interviewed about her illness and wrote a submission to the vital Lyme Senate Enquiry in Australia.

Leader Community Newspaper - 15 March 2016.
Mel has been in the spotlight for a large part of her life, but Chronic Lyme disease has made her feel practically invisible. Because she looks okay on the surface, hardly anyone understands how seriously ill she is. They assume that she doesn’t need any kind of support. They don't see her having severe convulsions, as these happen late at night. She has written her will, and keeps CPR kits around the house. The pain in her feet and hips make it hard to stand and walk. When using a wheelchair she cannot push herself as her arms and hands hardly work either. It's not hard to imagine how powerless this makes her feel. This powerlessness is shattering.

Chronic Lyme Disease Seizures in the kitchen Oct 2018
Here`s how you can help:
When I was well (14 years ago) I was a professional fire performance artist, blending belly dance with fire-eating, swords, snakes, staves and chains, to name a few. This was with one of the most reputable companies in Australia. Not only was it my love, it was my profession and how I made a living. Dancing was my whole life, what made me who I am, my whole identity (I knew I would be a dancer at 5 years old). I was living my dream career until Lyme Disease struck me down.

Quick video of past fire performance, before I got really sick with Chronic Lyme Disease... As mentioned in my story, it moved into my whole body and when it reached my feet my dance career was over. (Zefirah/Azah was my old stage name).
In the beginning my descent into hell was quick and merciless. I felt a sudden crunch in my shoulder one day and unimaginable pain soon after. I could not use my arms and was lying in agony in bed for almost three months. I remember being in so much pain that even just clicking the computer mouse to get food delivered was almost unbearable. This was followed by unusual and excruciating injuries that did not heal. First my shoulders followed by migraines, my neck, back and eventually my wrists. I bandaged myself up like a mummy to go onstage. I covered the bandages and tape with liquid foundation, costume and jewelry. I let the adrenaline take away the pain onstage, but it took me a whole week of being bed-ridden to recover enough for my next performance. I choreographed and rehearsed my routines only in my head, as it was too painful to do otherwise. When the disease finally moved into my ankles, I simply could not continue. The pain was impossible to bear and I could not stand or walk at all...Bedridden and housebound. I was forced to give up the one thing in my life that gave it meaning... (And paid the rent).
But the disease hadn`t finished with me yet. My health still continued to worsen and worsen over the years up to the point now where I still can’t stand or walk long or use my hands and arms very much. I`ve had daily and constant excruciating migraines for 13 years, that make it difficult to sleep, think, talk, listen, read, research or go out into the public.
Some more symptoms include multiple digestive conditions and problems, insomnia, light and noise sensitivity, hypoglycemia, anemia, muscle twitches, tremors, tinnitus, insomnia, memory issues, brain fog, restless leg syndrome, electromagnetic sensitivity, depression, multiple chemical sensitivity, hot flushes. There are many many more including a heart condition called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.
Myoclonic Seizures - Chronic Lyme Disease Fundraiser - these get worse with mobile phones, wifi, etc, You can imagine how difficult it is to sleep with all this going on 24 hrs a day!
The scariest symptom is definitely convulsions/seizures. I have a Grand Mal-type seizure that happens at night when I am dreaming, and I slowly wake up to find my body violently and uncontrollably shaking. At the moment am having 5 different types of seizures and some are 24 hrs a day.
As you sit comfortably watching your screen reading about Mel, both seeing and hearing her pain; most people can't help but be touched by her continuing ordeal and therefore logically want to help in some way. If you can imagine a better and normal life for Mel... Now you can easily do that and make it a reality by making a donation to help save Mel today.
My disease went undiagnosed and misdiagnosed for nine long years. Those were the darkest years of my life, not knowing what was wrong with me. The continual emotional roller coaster, hoping that the next doctor or treatment would be the one that cured me; as I watched my financial savings dwindle to nothing (as you remember I have been totally unable to work). If I counted the number of documented practitioners I`ve seen it would probably number over 77. My medical records have grown so much that I cannot carry them, and I have to depend on my carer to wheel them around in a luggage trolley. (Please note, when showing my medical evidence, I have blocked out the name of the doctors in case they may be ostracized or prosecuted). If you require additional evidence please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Fourteen years ago my first symptoms showed, and one day in 2012, a "bulls-eye rash" appeared on my left thigh. I had no memory of being bitten by a tick, and I have never left Australian shores.

Bull's Eye Rash
I was finally diagnosed with Chronic Lyme disease at the start of 2014, and I sent my blood samples to America, to prove this. The Borrelia (Lyme) was found in marsupials, as early as 1959, and I found a huge amount of medical evidence to support the fact that Lyme disease exists in Australia.
Igenex Test Result - Strong Positive for Lyme 2013
After trying to treat this complex lyme disease for 6 years, (sick for 9 years before diagnoses making sick total 14-15 years), with massive doses of high-strength antibiotics, plus massive doses of herbs, (which all cost a fortune), and which resulted in me having to sell everything of value that I owned. I have now run out of options in Australia. I've been told by the Australian Lyme Disease Association, my doctors, natropaths and fellow Lymees that I have one of the worst cases of Chronic Lyme that they have heard of that simply has not responded to the inferior treatments we are left with here in Australia.
My Chronic Lyme is at a life-threatening stage, and I am constantly fighting for my life, not knowing if I will live or die. My best chance of recovering, unfortunately is in Germany or Malaysia. The St Georg Klinik is renowned world-wide, for successfully treating Lyme disease. The most effective treatment they offer simply is not available anywhere else. I have listened to my doctors, researched the options, and spoken to many people who have recovered via Gt Georg, across Australia. There is no doubt that Germany or Malaysia is my best, and perhaps my only chance. Malaysia may even be a better option for me as I have severe EMS. Lyme sufferers stay between treatments in Bali or Thailand as it is cheaper and allows the body more time to heal and recover for the next Hyperthermia treatment. It is closer to travel to and less exposure to radiation and EMF's.
I have no health, no home, no partner, and no money. I'm on a disability pension, and the little funds that I have go towards ongoing medical costs. I can barely afford to eat (and as a result have lost loads of weight). I've had to move back with my parents in the past for 7 - 8 years, because I cannot afford to pay rent elsewhere. My friend and carer has now taken me in and put a roof over my head, however this is not a long-term solution and I suffer from severe stress and anxiety as I am constantly under the threat of homelessness (which would be a death sentence i my advanced condition. My partner broke up with me, because I can't have children. (Lyme disease is passed from mother to child). My parents are retired and on an age pension, and are not in a financial position to help me. This fundraiser may be my last and only hope.
The disease gets so bad at times, that I struggle to breathe. I've nearly been hospitalized several times, from breathing problems, and from unbearable pain. Doctors have told me that this disease can shut down any of my organs at any time, and that might result in death. I do not know how my body will react to medications, foods, or my environment, and I never know what parts of my body will or won't work day to day.
I am officially asking for help, and telling people that I am not okay, and that I have not been coping, for most of the 15 years that I have been ill. The computer makes my cluster-type migraines and seizures much worse, and it's been a massive challenge to get this fundraiser happening, having to fight through blinding headaches, excruciating pain and violent seizures. Please make a donation today.
Hopefully, my fundraiser reaches people who are willing and able to provide me with some much-needed assistance. I am in desperate need of my friends, family and communities online and offline to rally around me in this last hope for a cure. I have no choice, if I want to experience what it is like to live again. Hopefully, with my story, I have brought Lyme disease to your attention and how it is becoming a huge problem in Australia. This knowledge is immensely valuable. I would be extremely grateful if you could inform your friends and networks about this fundraiser. If you would like to ask me any questions.
If I can raise the funds to go to Germany/Malaysia, I intend to communicate my progress to those who have helped me, in gratitude for making it possible. Updates will be posted here and on my Facebook page. Please stay tuned for the address:
Please don't underestimate the difference your kind words and donation (whether large, medium or small), will make to Mel! Even just knowing that somebody out there cares, is of great value, and will help to raise her hope and her spirits... Please make a donation today and help save Mel.

Before I got sick... Copyright Fireworks Dance Company 2015 All rights reserved
No room to move in the Lounge / Dinning Room where I spend all of my day
– Hospital costs 2- 3 weeks stay (will probably need longer due to complex case) includes accommodation $3080
– Mandatory to survival Medicine to bring back from Germany $240
– Shuttle bus cost from airport to hospital (return) $3,000
– Far Infared Sauna (used to detox for 9 months protocol as I have genetic mutation which inhibits this and lack of detox can result in organ failure). $1040
– Mandatory medicine to prepare for the trip (without this death may result in transit). $10,880
– Cost of mandatory 8-9 months of IV treatments (working off the cheapest quotes in Melbourne. (Unfortunately no support from government for me here). $1280
– Petrol Costs to get to IV treatments twice a week in town (I live in a rural area and may even need to pay a driver to take me). $295
– Lyme and Cancer Services Consulting Fee (liaise with the hospital on my behalf and maximise treatment success). $1,986
– EMF protection Canopy for use inside hotels and the hospital to protect from Wi-Fi and EMF (without this the trip would not be possible). $2,680
– Accommodation 12 nights (please see details below) Up to $8,885
– Flights $244
– Passport $200
– Luggage Cases $50
– Medicine for plane trip $48
– Epsom salts for anti-radiation baths $799
– Mould Inspection (needs to be carried out where I’m staying to prevent re-exposure and possibly ongoing re-infection of the Lyme and other nasties. $1,450
– Other Medical Costs and testing to prepare for the trip. $60
– Postage fee to send Germany hardcopy of patient history (EMR sensitivity can’t use computer to scan things) $283
– Travel Insurance $4,000
– Blood detoxification procedures x2 (Before and after hospital visit)
$ 72,000 TOTAL COSTS
The trip has been broken into three x 7 hour blocks with stops at Singapore and Dubai. These stops will be necessary to recover from the onslaught of EMR and EMF (in spectacularly high levels on the airplane) and sensory overload of being in the outside world. I will be staying locked up in the hotel all day and night under my protective canopy and having my anti-radiation baths and gathering physical and emotional strength to continue with the next part of trip to ensure I make it alive. Physically I really need to fly business class, because I am at high risk of DV Thrombosis and economy doesn’t let me put up my feet (safer for DV Thrombosis). I will have an oxygen tank with me and economy doesn’t have as much clearance in regard to mobile phone exposure. My noise sensitivity would be unbearable and I can’t wear headphones for this as my nervous system infection is completely out of control and they cause immediate pain and throbbing in my ears and non-stop migraines.
This may be hard to understand but this trip will be the scariest experiences of my life, but I don’t have a choice if I want to get my life back. Most likely I will need to be sedated and require a nurse. PLEASE STAY TUNED FOR A LIST OF MALAYSIAN TRIP COSTS. It will probably end up being similar as I need a travelling companion/carer or nurse at all times. I need to be transported in wheelchair and on stretcher and sedated on plane and cannot communicate well or at all. Great difficulty most of the time in reading, writing, talking, typing and using hands, etc. When I get back from Germany/Malaysia there will be more challenges to overcome, most importantly that I will more than likely permanently lose the use of one of my arms for at least a year (how they react to IV and blood tests).
Star Weekly Newspaper - 31 May 2016
Contact Email: zefirah (at) yahoo (dot) com
Melissa Pym
Melton West, VIC