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Youth Strike for Climate Action!

Donazione protetta
We are US Youth Climate Strike,  a youth coalition of climate change fighters from across the US.  On March 15th, we joined the 40 other countries in a global day of school strikes, we will not be attending school for a day to demand real change. 

We are striking because decades of inaction has left us with just 11 years to solve the climate crisis. We are at a turning point in history. Our futures are at stake. We call for radical legislative action to combat climate change and its countless detrimental effects on the globe. We are striking for the Green New Deal, a fair and just transition to decarbonize the US economy, and other legislative action that combats the effects of climate change. We stand in solidarity with Greta Thunberg and all youth strikers worldwide as we demand action on this issue. 

We are running out of time, and we won't be silent any longer. We, the youth of America, are striking because our present and future on this planet are at stake. 

And we are determined to do something about it.

All proceeds will be going to future strikes and initiatives. Thousands of students will be taking action and demanding real action from our politicians.

We are fundraising in America because there are so many extra costs that we cannot afford! Grassroots organizing is expensive and we could use the help for our efforts!

Support students from across the country fighting for their lives and their futures. Climate change affects us all and its time we participate in bold action to show our politicians that we aren't backing down. 


  • Anonima
    • $15 
    • 4 yrs

Team di raccolta fondi: US Youth Climate Strike (3)

Isra Hirsi
Minneapolis, MN
Kira Cassandra
Team member
Pujan Patel
Team member

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