"UNarmed But Dangerous" Movie!
Please Donate today!
Our Movie will be a Blessing to the world!
Please, Help us Fund " UNarmed But Dangerous" Movie...You will be apart of History!
Can we count on YOU Today?
Tawana Williams is an internationally known Les Brown Platinum Motivational Speaker, Advocate, Author, Artist, TV Personality, Businesswoman, Wife, Mother, Vocalist, Mentor, Executive Producer, Humanitarian & CEO of Tawana Williams Outreach, Inc. She was born without arms and impaired use of her legs due to the drug Thalidomide that was given to her mother when she was pregnant? Tawana's legacy is connected directly to President John F. Kennedy. We are proud of Tawana and all of her accomplishments and today, we ask that you support the vision for her "UNarmed But Dangerous" 'Movie' Campaign. It is based on her Classic Book "UNarmed But Dangerous"-
The Tawana Williams Story, In the book, she tells her poignant story of being born without arms, surviving the trauma of gang rape, being raped by her step father, abortion, the miraculous birth of her daughter, drug addiction, marrying her childhood sweetheart 'Toby' and how she Never Gives Up. Today, Tawana speaks to people across the country, encouraging them to look beyond their circumstances and to accept God's gift of freedom without limitations. She has thrived in every area of her life and is a force to be reckoned with. Our Vision is so much bigger than Tawana Williams, this Vision was given from God to help so many people that don't realize how blessed they are, those that often Complain about what they Don't have, those that Make Excuses instead of creating Results and those that often Give up on their dreams, hopes and aspirations and then they live Mediocre lives until they die/expire. Tawana gives so much with so little, that We ought to be ashamed of ourselves for living defeated lives when we don't have to.
Tawana's motto is: "All Things Are Possible To Them That Believe."
Perhaps, You may want to Sow a seed weekly, monthly, or a one time Seed Donation towards this Ministry/Vision. We really need
your support!
Tawana Williams Outreach, Inc. a non profit 501 (c) (3) Organization Tax ID# 04-3660427
4414 Pinehurst Drive
Wilson, NC 27896
[email redacted]
God Bless You & Your Gifts!
Thanks In Advance For Your Prayers & Your Giving!
The Management of Tawana Williams Outreach, Inc. we appreciate your sacrifice...