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Charity Angels

Donación protegida
Hi All..... We are delighted to announce that we the 'Gallagher Sister's' AKA 'Charity Angels' are about to embark on an exciting year of fund raising and awareness for the causes close to our hearts. 

We have each provided our own wee stories below, but first we would like to tell you how this all began!! In March, we began running 'very slowly', this was in part to keep fit but also in response to the lockdown, as it was important to have some company, an opportunity vent and gossip, as we girls do.  As the weeks progressed, our speed and distance increased and then jokingly! we decided to run a half marathon.  This then became reality when we enrolled to do the 'Spar Omagh Virtual Half Marathon'. As we pounded the roads, at 6am each day, we talked about other events we could do and decided to commit to a year of fundraising events, for the causes that mean so much to each of us.  We have listed some of the events that we are planning below and will update you all  throughout the year on our progress.  We are really excited about the year ahead and want to thank you all in advance for the  generous donations and support we hope to receive. xxx

Hi, my name is Patricia Gallagher and I am currently a teaching assistant in St Mary’s Cloughcor.  Your support will mean so much to me because I’m commited  to help our future, which are the children of today.  If children are happy  they learn better and flourish.  Children learn through play as we all know.  The money we hope to raise will help to buy resources for our children to be educated, to buy books for our children to learn to read and to build on their imagination.  I would be extremely grateful for any help that you can offer.  Being an ex-pupil of Cloughcor and employed there for 25years, it’s more than just a job, it’s my family my life. Anything I can do to help the pupils of St Marys Cloughcor then I’m going to give it 100%, to ensure that they get all the chances and possibilities that they deserve, to help broaden their world, so that in time they can follow their path to help our world become greater place to live!

Hi, my name is Shauna Gallagher, I am a psychotherapist and clinical researcher  at Queens University Belfast, specialising in the treatment of trauma and anxiety disorders with adolescents and adults. I was fortunate to be welcomed to join the great team at Aurora Counselling in 2018 and have seen first-hand, how tirelessly our Centre Manager Francesca Kelly works to secure funds to make therapy more widely available to those in the greatest need.

Aurora provides a safe supportive space where clients can attend to their psychological and emotional wellbeing. Our aim is to support our clients to cultivate the best in themselves and those around them. We deliver a variety of therapeutic services to adults, teenagers and children, presenting with emotional and mental wellbeing difficulties. Aurora is a not for profit organisation, committed to making a positive difference in the community. The company has been established to relieve suffering and distress and advance education among people in Derry and the surrounding area without distinction of age, religion, sex or political opinion.

This year, the Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Mayor Tierney, announced that he will nominate Aurora Counselling as his chosen charity for the year ahead! All the staff and team at Aurora were delighted at the Mayors announcement and are looking forward to working with him and his team over the next year to promote our services, and working proactively to create better awareness of mental health issues as well as raising much needed funds for the organisation.

In Support of this much anticipated year of fund raising for Aurora, I have decided to join my two sister in laws, (who are also fund raising this year for two very worthwhile causes) to help raise money for Aurora. We have planned an exciting year of challenging fund-raising events together, that we hope you can support and at the end of the year we will donate all the proceedings to these three worthwhile causes.

For those of you who don’t know me, I’ll give you a little background!  My name is Noeleen Gallagher and I left school at the early age of 16 with no idea what I would do with my life, but it wasn’t long before an opportunity arose to join Shelter NI as a trainee administrator in the Strabane office.  And that as they say was that! I have been with Shelter NI for over 25 years, working with older and disabled people, who find themselves in homes that no longer meet their needs. It is my job to work with them to resolve their housing needs making the changes they need.  There is nothing more satisfying than helping people to remain in the homes they love and know, and I would happily do this for another 25 years but Shelter NI really need your support to continue this work and the other great homelessness prevention work they do across Northern Ireland. Homelessness is a growing problem here and this is my way of raising awareness of this great Charity and hopefully raising some money too.

Fund Raising Events for 2020-2021 
·      Half Marathon:                      25 July 2020

·      Mount Errigal Climb:         12 September 2020 

·      Road to Running 8K            21 September 2020

·      Quiz Night:                               16 October  2020

·      Car Boot sale                             March

·      Camino De Santiago:            April

·      Full Marathon:                          May

·      Fund Raising End Event:     June


  • Anónimo
    • £20
    • 3 yrs
  • nichola mc granaghan
    • £5
    • 3 yrs
  • Brian timoney
    • £20
    • 3 yrs
  • Joe McCormick
    • £100
    • 4 yrs


Noeleen Gallagher

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