Dogs and Cats are Suffering in Ukraine
Tax deductible
Over 12 million* people have fled their Ukrainian homes, many leaving their pets behind to fend for themselves.
Estimate of abandoned unsterilized animals 1-2 million animals.
The Ukrainian government has suspended the spay and neuter program.
No large NGO is addressing this situation.
An avalanche of hundreds of millions of animals will be here in less than five years.
Without hunting, rabies is growing 10x.
This will be a humanitarian crisis of biblical proportions.
Fortunately, UWARF has a fairly simple answer. We have built a partnership with local, unemployed veterinarians and have 225 locations available to sterilize, vaccinate and microchip 400,000 cats and dogs. This will give them a fighting chance and stop the avalanche of growth as well as prevent a rabies breakout in Eastern Europe. We will also help rehome or reunite these pets into loving homes.
Ukraine War Animals Relief Fund