Transwoman of Color Faces Gun Violence
Over the past two years, Jade and I have been friends, and our friendship has blossomed into sisterhood. We bonded over our shared experiences of losing family either through violent crimes or other tragic events and vowed to be each other’s family. Jade is like a younger sister to me.
Jade is a Trans Woman of Color who is a hard working, professional Makeup Artist who has all types of amazing clients who remember her for her positive attitude, and expertise in all things cosmetics. At work, she helps us see our own beauty. As a friend, she helps us see our beauty from within.
Reading what you know so far about Jade you’d think she was like any other lovely girl, but despite how much we can see Jade to be the amazing person that she is, being a Trans Woman of Color automatically makes you subject to verbal and physical violence in this world. From the beginning of 2020 to August 2020, the number of Transgender people suspected of being murdered this year surpassed the total for all of 2019 ( This number disproportionately applies to Trans Women of Color and is a harsh reality for our community.
Just a week ago, Jade had come back home from Turkey after achieving two gender confirming surgeries all on her own. It was a huge accomplishment and proud moment for her. But just a day after being back home, The Careaga Family had faced yet another tragedy. A late night on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, Jade’s unconscious body was found in the middle of the road where she was still bleeding from her bullet wound. A police officer shared that if they found her 5 minutes later, Jade would not be with us today. She is now in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) after being unconscious for 15 hours she’s had blood transfusions and has undergone two major surgeries. She is able to speak, but is still in shock. Jade’s family has experienced too many hardships, especially after losing her younger brother in a collision just two years ago. We must help them in this time of need because we are still unsure of when she will be relieved.
This GoFundMe will be for all of Jade’s necessities including: obtaining a lawyer, paying medical bills, possible reconstruction surgery after her gender affirming surgery, mental health resources to assist her PTSD, bed rest, etc. Anything you can donate will be much appreciated. Please share this with people in your network as well!
With Love,
Jade’s Community
ps Love you soooo much Vai