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Transforming Schools

Donación protegida
As an award-winning educator, and creator of student empowerment programs, I was selected by TDAH-PACA to attend the Journées Méditerranéennes du TDAH Conference in France, May 21-31 of 2019.   

Unfortunately, my district is unable to help fund my trip.  I have to fund my transportation (flights and ground) and housing.  The cost of the airfare is $1,800.  The remaining $200 will go towards housing and ground transportation (approximately another $800).  I would like to be able to procure funds by May 15th, 2019.

That having been said, as a teacher with ADHD myself, I am passionate about being part of the international ADHD conversation at large, but also being an impactful stakeholder regarding the solution to removing barriers in the learning environment for both adult educators and students alike. With your support, the money provided would not only allow me to present at this once in a lifetime opportunity, but would also allow me to visit numerous schools and lead teacher workshops while in France. And, rest assured, should there be any funding left over, it will be utilized to support additional classroom activities upon my return to the States.

Should you feel compelled to donate to this important event through this Go Fund Me account, I will be indebted to your generosity and forever grateful that you helped bring this to fruition.


  • Emmanuel Vieillard-Baron
    • $100
    • 5 yrs


Chris Foster
Wichita, KS

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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