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Traci’s Stroke Recovery

Donación protegida

Hello!  My name is Maria.  I am asking for help supporting Traci’s,  my Sister-in-law’s medical recovery.  

Recently, Traci experienced 2 ischemic strokes.  Her story is an unsettling one.  For two weeks Traci had felt exceptionally bad.  She went to the ER a total of 4 times before they FINALLY found the problem.  It was just a little too late though, bc by the 4th time she had already experienced 2 strokes.  The events that let up to this were emotional and scary not only for Traci, but also for her husband, John(my brother) and 2 sons, Chance and Seth.  Traci was admitted to the hospital and now transitioning to a rehab facility.  Due to the strokes, Traci is recovering from, some right sided paralysis, overall body weakness, vision impairment, as well as a few other things.  

This time of year is really hard to not have families together.  With COVID restrictions, only one support person is able to be with her per day.  Once you leave, you can’t come back for that day.  

John, my brother, is still working bc, really he has no other choice.  Their household income has significantly decreased.  We don’t know when Traci will be well enough to go back to work.  Due to her current deficits, we expect it to be quite some time.  

If you are able to contribute and help my family during this extremely delicate time, myself and my family would be very grateful.  

Please reach out to myself or my Brother, Mike (aka Tiger) with any questions.  

We do ask for you to reach out to one of us and not John or Traci right now.  We really want them to focus on their family and Traci’s healing.  ❤️




  • Phil Markwell
    • $25
    • 4 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • $25
    • 4 yrs
  • Brian Nagel
    • $50
    • 4 yrs
  • Tia Nehus
    • $50
    • 4 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 4 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Maria Orue
Milford, OH
John Lutes

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