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Tornado damage to our house

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I really didn't want to set this up but we are in a bind. Our house was hit by the tornado and I lost all of my Plumbing equipment material and fittings. We live directly in front of Mt Zion Church that got destroyed . We lost a lot of things that are irreplaceable. We lost furniture as well. It also destroyed my daughter's room and she lost a lot of her stuff. I'm not really one to ask for help but we need it right now. If anybody could help us out we could pay you back when we get back on our feet. We have two kids and live paycheck-to-paycheck. I had to pay for a hotel and we will lost our food and everything else. Thank you to all and God bless.


  • ernest watts
    • $200 
    • 5 yrs


Daniel Hartig
Chiles, KY

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