Hello, my name is Stanley. I was taken away from my father to Costa Rica by my mother. My daddy is a disabled veteran from the US Army. At the time she took me to Costa Rica, she led my father to believe that she was bringing me back to him; however, she informed my dad that were not coming back to the US. This broke my father's heart. He loves me very much. He did nothing to warrant my mommy taking me from him. I miss my daddy so much and want to see him desperately, but I can't because we don't have the money to reunite. Please help me see my daddy again because he did serve this country proudly ; he is a disabled veteran. So yo can only imagine how hard it is to be away from me. Please help us reunite. My daddy doesn't deserve to be away from me. All we need are the funds to do so. Again, ANY help you could give to us would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.