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Life as The Real Adonis

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The photo you are looking at has been used for a few album covers and several times as a headshot for auditions. Despite the beauty in a nice suit and tie, the Reality of it is that it was taken in 2015 (by myself) at a Westin hotel in Atlanta when I was homeless and snuck in, to change and take a shower, for a job interview.  (MOST OF MY PHOTOS REFLECT A TIME WHEN I HAD NOTHING...
But this is what I do best. I am known for my struggle and my strife. For making lemons out of lemonade <---read that again [I said what I said]
Today I want you to help me end the fight of being on the streets and save me from the risk of musicians defeat by donating to my go fund me campaign. I need to get in the studio, to record a professional album, while creating a stable living condition that can support my life as a creative on tour for up to a year. I have determined the expenses will not exceed 17 thousand dollars. The money will be used to finish a complete studio album, create music video content and stabilize a safe home or office environment, that I can work from stress-free.  Your donation will also allow me to video archive that process and share it with the world as I go on. 
As a friend/confidant, my personal benefit will be to live a non- transient life and afford the accommodations that will set my creativity free during this process. In this blog, I will reveal more secrets behind the photos that have captivated so many people in my life who don't know what the struggle has been.
As my supporters, you will get exclusive access to the film and video archives back from 2003, sessions of me recording in the studio, unreleased tracks, and untold stories from then to now. Thank you for your support and follow me at
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    • 25 $ 
    • 3 ans
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    • 5 000 $ 
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Adonis Sylvers
Los Angeles, CA

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