The Tough Cookie Marathon
Tax deductible
Hi Everyone,
A few months ago, our kind and beautiful friend, Brooke Townshend was sadly diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. This was heartbreaking news to all of us who love Brooke so much. A prompt decision was made by Brooke, her doctors and family to undergo a double mastectomy in an attempt to prevent the cancer from spreading. The surgery went perfectly. With hope in the horizon, we were all optimistic that this would be the end to this ruthless experience. But unfortunately, the cancer cells were discovered in one of Brooke’s lymph nodes - meaning this journey was not over just yet.
In late August, we signed up to run a Marathon in San Diego, CA. Brooke, her fiancé Paolo, and their new puppy Banana had just moved there to experience life on the west coast. We thought… “why not?” Fly over there, visit our friends, endure 26.2 miles (still think the .2 is unnecessary and mean), and make a trip out of the whole thing. But what was initially planned as a trip has found a new purpose - to run in honor of Brooke as she undergoes chemotherapy and further treatment in the months to come.
So, on June 2nd, we will be “running” ("slugging" is probably more accurate) the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon in San Diego, CA. Please consider supporting us and our cause. ALL donations will be donated, on behalf of Brooke Townshend, to The IIIB’s Foundation – a local foundation “providing comfort to women recovering from breast cancer mastectomy surgery by providing our Bosom Buddy Baskets filled with valuable resources and recovery items to ensure no woman faces breast cancer alone.” – BosomBuddyBaskets.
Please keep Brooke and her family in your thoughts and prayers. She is one Tough Cookie!
Daniel Kim, Brady Caslavka, and Rylie Rizzo
Daniel Kim
Arlington, VA
The IIIB's Foundation