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The soul of a man is a precious gift-support Kraig

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For the past 2 years, Kraig has been struggling with chronic hoarseness and sore throat. In the last 10 months, this has developed into a much more serious condition involving muscles in the face and throat causing issues with speech and swallowing. Several neurologists have told us the symptoms point to ALS (bulbar onset Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). We are looking into every curable solution for Kraig’s condition.

Kraig is a full-time, touring musician. After 30 years on the road, Kraig has had to put a halt on performing in order to concentrate 100% on healing. Without his livelihood, the cost of healthcare and living expenses face Kraig with huge financial strain. We are asking for your support.

I first heard Kraig play in ‘94 at Slice of Chicago, and I was an instant fan - like so many. We are now friends and committed partners. Kraig’s lyrics captivate and tug on emotion we all store inside. I have witnessed the tears evoked and the draw of his music from all parts of our beautiful country. If you have heard or seen Kraig play, you have been touched by his heart. When I think of Kraig, passionate is the word that embodies him. He has great passion for all things: nature and humanity at the top of the list along with music and art of all kinds. He connects spiritually with his surroundings and the people who are lucky to cross his path.

Kraig is remaining positive and including several health experts to get the answers we need to get well, put this behind us, and continue spreading love and music. We will be posting health updates on his website. I am not sure if we will be able to reply to all inquiries as we will be concentrating on healing.

If you are not familiar with Kraig’s music you can find him at

Any and all donations will go directly to health care and living expenses for Kraig.

Recently, Kraig asked me to manage his donations and expenses. This is why at the top of the fund raiser it says "amount raised for Andrea." ALL donations are for Kraig.

We couldn’t be more grateful for your support. Please share this fundraising campaign with others.

We are also graciously accepting all prayers and soul intentions.

Peace, Love, and Health to all,
“I'm so lucky to have you my friend”
Faire un don


  • Daniel Jelley
    • $50 
    • 1 d
  • Anonyme
    • $100 
    • 6 d
  • Ken Jaworski
    • $100 
    • 14 d
  • Anonyme
    • $100 
    • 21 d
  • Erin & Rick Cummisford
    • $50 
    • 24 d
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Streamwood, IL
Andrea Croonborg

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