The Son Tay Raid. Help us tell their story!
“We are going to rescue 70 American prisoners of war, maybe more, from a camp called Son Tay. This is something American prisoners have a right to expect from their fellow soldiers. The target is 23 miles west of Hanoi. “
-Colonel Arthur “Bull” Simons”
On November 21, 1970, U.S. Special Forces soldiers and U.S. Airforce airmen executed a swift and stunning raid of the Son Tay prison camp with zero American casualties. U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers are often called the silent professionals. They hold tight the details of their feats - what, where, and with whom they accomplished their missions. It falls to us to share their deeds.
Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, our ability to raise money in person to finish making the film has been severely hampered (obviously!) so we are reaching out to those who support both excellent storytelling, as well as our veteran community.
Our ultimate goal is to honor the men of the Son Tay Raid, disdained by civilian peers as they returned from the humidity and horror of Vietnam. Our film, this storytelling effort, elevating the experience, the voice, and the humble courage of these 56 raiders and the countless other service members engaged in their protection and success across the air and seas of south Asia - this is the way we say, "Thank you for your service." We would be honored to have you be a part of this storytelling effort to honor these incredible, quiet, heroes.
All funds raised will be used to pay team member wages, including our tireless editor, graphic designer, composer, sound mixer, and other post production specialists whose expertise we would be lost without.
Currently, the film is in the rough cut editing stage. We've already interviewed the following Raiders.
John Gargus, Vladimir “Jake” Jakovenko, (also known as the real-life Rambo), James (Jim) McClam, Pat St Clair, Don Taapken, Frank Roe, Terry Buckler, Tyrone Adderly, Bill Guenon, and John Pletcher, as well as former POW Lee Ellis, and RADM (R) Larry Chambers, the first African American to achieve flag rank in the Navy. He was part of the Naval effort to use massive air raids to distract from the movement of the Raiders. Additionally, we were fortunate to partner with the Silent Warrior Foundation to conduct a recreation shoot in November of 2020 featuring, among others, SGM Jake Jakovenko, SGT Tyrone Adderly, and COL John Gargus.
Learn more about our progress on our website here.