The Running Father (TV Series)
Donation protected
“Amidst unprecedented global change, four strangers mysteriously find themselves in a captive situation. Their only link to the outside world is the bizarrely silent man who brings their meals. As they seek to understand their predicament, they soon discover that it’s more dire than they could ever dream.”
GENRES: Christian Fiction • Supernatural • Suspense • Thriller • Action/Adventure
We humbly ask for your help in reach our budget goal and bringing this project to life.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. Be blessed.
Sam “WILCO” Woodberry
Owner/ Lead Creative
Washboard Studios, LLC.
“Amidst unprecedented global change, four strangers mysteriously find themselves in a captive situation. Their only link to the outside world is the bizarrely silent man who brings their meals. As they seek to understand their predicament, they soon discover that it’s more dire than they could ever dream.”
GENRES: Christian Fiction • Supernatural • Suspense • Thriller • Action/Adventure
We humbly ask for your help in reach our budget goal and bringing this project to life.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. Be blessed.
Sam “WILCO” Woodberry
Owner/ Lead Creative
Washboard Studios, LLC.
Samuel Woodberry
Louisville, KY