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Rogers' Adoption Fund

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WE'RE ADOPTING!!! We are thrilled to announce that God has called us to grow our family through adoption!  This is a dream we have had since before we were married and we are excited that God has finally opened the door for us to adopt a newborn into our family.  Here's our story of How God brought us all the way from the Middle East to adopt in the U.S.A.

For years we have been praying about when we should pursue adoption, but while we knew we were called to adopt, we also knew that God called us to live in the Middle East.  Adopting from the country we were in is actually ILLEGAL and so we trusted that the Lord would open the door to adopt in his good timing, not having any idea his good timing would come sooner than we thought.    

In our two years in the Middle East we ended up losing four kids to miscarriage.  Through each loss we sensed the Lord laying the burden of adoption heavier on our hearts.  We thought it would be impossible to adopt while moving around in different cities overseas and in a place where adopting a local child is illegal.  But we forgot that nothing is impossible with God.

God spoke to us in prayer, telling us now is the time, and that he has a child waiting for us.  (Really he did, ask us about it sometime!).  So, knowing that we would be coming home this fall, we decided we would adopt in the U.S.A., even though we do not even have a home in the U.S.A.

 We asked Matt's parents if we could not only live with them while we are stateside, but if we could also adopt a new child into their home (making them go through all of the home study, medical exams, interviews, and background checks with us).  Their only response was tears of joy to be able to participate in this journey with us.  
So this has already become a story and a journey much bigger than ourselves, and we are excited to invite you into the story of Baby Rogers and God's plan for this beloved child.  God clearly has something in mind far bigger than anything we can ask or imagine. 

 Of course, all adoption is expensive, and we have been told to expect this adoption to cost around $40,000.  We plan to cover half of the estimated costs with grants, scholarships, and personal savings, but we are asking that you would also join us in being a part the story that God is already writing for Baby Rogers.  And please, more than anything, join us in prayer.  
Please pray:
-For the birth mother and father.  For wisdom and strength as they too make the brave decision to pursue adoption.
-For the health of the baby as this little one grows.
-That we would be matched quickly and easily in our relatively short time in the U.S.A.
-For the finances to cover the entire cost of the adoption.
-For our adjustment from being a family of three to a family of four.

Thank you for sharing in the joy of adoption with us, and specifically in the joy of bringing Baby Rogers home.  We are eager to see how God weaves you into this Baby's story and are excited to walk this journey with all of you.  

Matt, Julia, and Anna Louisa


  • Kristen Wittmaier
    • $75
    • 5 yrs


Matt Rogers
Platteville, WI

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