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The Happy Center- Tanzania

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This October Be HUEmane, LLC  had the pleasure of visiting  Happy Center Tanzania! The Happy Center is indeed a very happy place. It was an unforgettable experience for us.  A big thanks to  Curious on Tanzania  for connecting us to Happy Center!

The Happy Center is a performing arts center and a safe haven for Tanzanian youth.  The center's purpose is to provide youth that are in lower resourced environments with an opportunity to learn and perfect their arts.  The program is structured so that the youth may strive in their respective areas of interest ranging from martial arts, writing, painting, and dance, to name a few.  

We had the privilege of witnessing this first hand! We were blown away from their truly happy spirits and unbelievable talents.  As a group of travelers that appreciates the arts, this was an amazing experience for us. 

We were able to donate to the organization during our visit but we have been so moved by our experience and seeing first hand their needs that we want to spread the word to do more.  

The center is in need of a new floor and we would like to help provide them with this gift so they may continue to excel!  Any amount gets us one step closer to our goal and will be very much appreciated! We also understand if you are unable to donate, please send them your well wishes, prayers, and spread this movement in your respective circles!

Be HUEmane , LLC
"TZ Escape crew"


Farrin Stanton
Germantown, MD

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