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The Fight for Momma

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As many of you know, my mother, Kelley Berglund fought the battle of cervical cancer 6 years ago. At the beginning of this year, 2017, she had signs that the cancer was back and since the first part of this May she has been traveling back and forth from the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Chicago. For months she was back and forth to many doctors in Nebraska, but was not getting any answers she needed. A friend finally took the initiative to call the treatment center with her story and they booked a flight for her and I so that my mother could get the help she was in need of. She has had a number of tests done and have found that the cancer has spread to multiple areas, she will continue to receive more tests and hopefully within this next week be able to start on a treatment plan.

My mother has raised us 3 girls, helped send 2 of us to college - one more to start in the fall of this year - and now has 3 beautiful grandchildren that range from 8 years old to twin boys that just turned 1 this past February. She has so much to look forward to with her 3 daughters and 3 grandchildren and we are asking if you are able and willing to help with a small donation to go towards the endless medical and traveling expenses we would greatly appreciate the efforts to help our mother eliminate the added stress of these expenses on top of her battle against cancer.

We would all like to Thank You in advance for any donations and prayers!


  • Jeff Cuba
    • 50 $ 
    • 7 Jahre


Jamie Berglund
Lincoln, NE

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