The Community Free Synagogue
Donation protected
Now in our 20th year, the Community Free Synagogue is a successful new model for the 21st Century Synagogue. It is an "open resource" for the entire community that does not sell memberships or charge any event. Our many participants do not "belong" to the synagogue; the synagogue is what the Talmud would call rshoot harabim, literally "public domain," guided by the Rabbi and overseen by the 3 officers required by the state for a "not-for-profit". Through the sustaining generosity and spirited volunteerism of so very many, including our Rabbi, C.F.S. exists to enable "prayer, study and benevolence" for all who choose to call it their congregation. Everything is free to all- our weekly Sabbath eve meals and worship, Sabbath Torah Study, weekly adult education, our festival celebrations and all of Jewish living's "milestone" events. Your support also enables the Rabbi serve all who are in need without affiliation preconditions or fees.
The synagogue is an "intentional" congregation, meaning it is founded on the moral principle that respecting all people as responsible adults brings out the best in them. Thank you for your support.
To learn more visit www.fortmyerssynagogue.com .

Bruce Diamond
Fort Myers, FL