Malachi Briggs Med Tx- Wilms Tumor
Donation protected

On September 10th, 2014, I went to the Urgent Care due to constipation and protrusion under my right rib cage. A sonogram discovered I had a very large tumor attached to my right kidney. A CT Scan was performed that same day, which confirmed I also had some smaller tumors on my lungs. I was admitted to Sunrise Children’s Hospital in search for the proper diagnosis and the most effective course of treatment.
On September 12, 2014, I underwent surgery in hopes to remove the tumor. It was decided during that procedure it was unsafe to remove the tumor due to fragility, size and location (vital organs). At that time the surgeons were able to take a biopsy and confirm the tumor was malignant and considered to be stage 4, as it has engulfed my entire kidney, traveled to my lungs and possibly other regions surrounding the area. At the time of surgery, a subcutaneous port was placed in my chest (which is the large lump you may see in some of my pictures over my heart area). This port makes it easier for me to recive treatment and get my blood drawn when needed.
The blessing in all this is that the pathology report came back confirming that the type of tumor is a Wilm’s Tumor, and the prognosis is the best in regards to child cancer due to the embryonic tissues cells this type of cancer is made of being highly receptive to treatment.
I began treatment on 9/14/14. My treatment plan thus far will take me through 40 weeks. I will initially receive chemo once a week through my subcutaneous port; I will also receive 15 days of radiation in the weeks to come, all in hopes to shrink the tumor so that I can have it safely removed. Around the 11th week (near Thanksgiving), the specialists/surgeons will reevaluate the tumor in hopes it will be small enough and manageable enough to remove. Once the tumor is removed, I will continue to receive treatment to ensure all the cancer cells are dead and gone.
I am saying all this because my family needs your help. I did not have insurance for the month of September, nor will I have insurance for the month of October. The reasoning behind this lapse in insurance is due to payment error and despite my mother’s diligent fight to resolve the issue and have it reinstated, she has had no success. We are in the process of appeals, but at this point, we are taking action in other ways to help offset the acquired costs thus far.
We have decided to use the Go Fund Me to assist with medical expenses that have reached nearly $20,000 dollars (but we havent received all the bills). There are so many different entities to pay: Surgeon, Anesthesiologist, Lab, Pathologist, Sunrise, Pharmacist, etc. If anyone would rather call and pay directly to the biller, I can provide any addition information needed for you to do so. You can email us through Go Fund Me if you rather make a direct donation to the billing department.
My mother will be off work for as long as my treatment takes. I will have to do all my school in the home. To offset lost wages and to allow for me to participate in non-impact classes/social activities such as golf lessons, singing lessons, piano, or dance, we will be taking a $5 donation for “TeamMalachi” Child Cancer Awareness Bracelets. These will be available in October. The money donated for the bracelets will be used for non-medical expenses and an informational website will follow, including a blog so that all my supporters can follow me as I embark on this journey! Today is September 29th, 2014 and it is my 7th birthday! Thank you for helping make this year the most memorable year of my life. And...Thank you for your continued healing energy,

prayers, love, and support..Malachi Briggs

Agape Love
Las Vegas, NV