Taylor and Nevin Daniels
On July 20th, Taylor and Nevin Daniels were
involved in a terrible car accident. Taylor was
airlifted to Harborview where he passed away.
Nevin was taken to Providence and is recovering there now. As you can imagine this is every
families worst nightmare. Losing a child is
something no one will ever be prepared for.
Many people have reached out and asked the
same question “ what can we do to help”? We
know we can’t take this unimaginable pain away, but we can help take some of the financial
burden away. This is a time when family and
friends make the difference. Let’s come together and show these wonderful people how much we love them, how much we care and support them. Funeral costs should not be on there mind right now, especially when they have another son to
take care of during his recovery. Thankyou in
advance ❤️
My name is Holly Sharp- Hezel. I’ve been friends with Kristin for about 20 years. Kristin Huffine, Taylor and Nevins mother will be the beneficiary for this account. All funds will be used to cover
expenses for funeral arrangements and medical bills related to the accident.