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Sweet Bella’s Warrior Fund

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Bella Hollis is a 13 year old superhero that was diagnosed with an HGNET B-COR mutation, which is a rare form of brain and spinal cord cancer, on 5th October 2018. 

After the initial biopsy and diagnosis, Bella had to undergo emergency brain surgery as one of the tumors had grown and caused a blockage. The temporary shunt they installed was later replaced with a permanent one, and a port was also inserted in preparation for the treatment ahead. 

Whilst healing from her recent surgeries, she underwent an intense 7 week treatment of radiation and chemotherapy at PCPT, in Knoxville. Following those treatments, Bella returned home to Nashville for a 6 week recovery period. Shortly after she began a further 6 months of chemotherapy. Each month Bella gets admitted to hospital for 4 days where she receives an intense round of 3 different types of chemo, she then has weekly hospital visits as an outpatient where she has a mixture of labs and more chemo, and sometimes a blood transfusion. When she’s not in hospital she has both physical and occupational therapy up to four times a week, as well as a home tutor to prevent falling behind in her school work.

Needless to say, this is just the beginning of a long and arduous journey for Bella and her family.

During the next 7 months and beyond, both parents, Tim and Josie Hollis, will be alternating care for Bella and unable to work full-time which puts a huge strain on family finances, not to mention the astronomical medical bills that are associated with this type of treatment and recovery.

We are asking for donations, small or large, to help the Hollis family during this time of need, so they can focus solely on Bella’s recovery. 


Her parents would like to thank you in advance and have set up a Facebook page, if you'd like keep updated with Bella's treatment and progress. Please find the link for the 'Sweet Bella’ Facebook page below:
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  • Conny Doll
    • 50 $ 
    • 5 ans
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Natasha Mullan
Los Angeles, CA
Josie Hollis

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