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Help Parker's Cancer Fight

Donación protegida
I am starting this GoFundMe page for my Nephew Robert, his wife Brenda, and their two boys Parker and Aiden. The last 3 years have been a very rocky road for this sweet little family. In May of 2014 on Mother’s Day weekend Parker was Diagnosed with ALL Leukemia at the age of 13. Parker was life-flighted from their hometown Cottonwood to UCSF in San Francisco for treatment. This is diagnosis is usually a relatively routine cancer to treat. However, this particular type of cancer is usually seen in much younger children, and the children in Parker’s age group have a much larger battle to face. His treatment has been anything but routine and terribly difficult! During this time, there have been countless trips to San Francisco, more life flight’s, and much time Dad had to leave work to be with his family. Sadly, on Mother’s Day weekend of 2017, just 4 months’ shy of finishing his Cancer treatments, Parker landed back in the hospital after fighting flu-like symptoms (mostly an incredibly sore throat and severe headaches) for several weeks. Following an MRI and biopsy, it was discovered that Parker is now also suffering from an entirely new cancer called Lymphoma. Everyone is heartbroken, and Parker is having to fight all over again. Parker is now undergoing very intense Chemotherapy at UCSF Mission Bay campus and will need to undergo a bone-marrow transplant. Now Robert faces being off from work again, the family are several hours away from their home indefinitely, and we can all help them here!

This is a living nightmare that has taken an enormous emotional and financial toll on these kids. Robert and Brenda have never asked for a single dime from anyone. And they aren’t going to start now, SO that is why I am asking on their behalf. Many people keep asking if there is something they can do. So many people want to do something to help and support Parker, and this is the single easiest and most helpful way you can be there for this family. If everyone gives up a Starbucks stop, or a lunch out, or whatever, and donates $5 here and $10 there we can collectively make a huge difference for this family! No matter how big or small you make your donation we can all help!

This account will be linked directly to Robert and Brenda, so there will never be a doubt about who gets every penny from this page.

You can follow Parker's progress here: 



  • Posh Hair Design
    • $220 
    • 7 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Keri Ann Aronson
Pittsburg, CA
Robert Reynolds

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