Supporting Katie’s Journey
Help Katie and Matt Munda ease the worry of medical, travel and every day expenses. This will allow them to put their focus and energy into Katie’s treatment and healing, as well as their precious little girl.
Katie’s story: At the end of August, Katie noticed a hard-ish lump in her neck and so began the process of finding out why.
On October 1st, she found out it was believed to be Hodgkins Lymphoma.
Katie and Matt spent a week at MD Anderson in Houston where Katie had multiple tests, lab work and imaging done.
MD A confirmed her diagnosis- Stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma. Treatment will begin on November 10th.
Katie and Matt have only asked for prayers for successful treatment. As friends and neighbors, we all want to do what we can to help. Sharing this donation page/link is a great way for you to help too!
Thank you for taking the time to read Katie’s Journey and for any donation, it is greatly appreciated!