Support Theresa Egan's Family
Theresa Egan was a mother, a wife, friend, daughter and all around genuine person who passed away on Thursday March 15th, 2018. She had been battling stage 4 colon cancer and left us quicker then any of us could have imagined.
While the grief is still fresh, the financial realities of a loved one passing are also very real. I have decided to create this campaign as a way to reach out to all of the people that Theresa and her family touched throughout the years.
Whether it was her cooking, the constant and hilarious mischief of her sons, the constant help and understanding of her daughter, or hardworking ethic of Mark(her husband), everyone who met Theresa and the Egan family surely remembers them with fond memories.
This is all of our opportunity to pay it back to Theresa and her whole family.
This is a time for grieving and remembrance and not a time for financial worry. Lets all do what we can to make sure that is true.
All donations will go directly to the Egans for any expenses they have in this difficult time.