Support Play Catch With A Dad to Expand Across the US
Play Catch With A Dad was started in 2019 in York Pennsylvania with the simple belief that attending a Pride Festival and offering to play catch might help many in the LGBTQ+ community to heal just little bit. For all those that did not have a positive, supportive role model once coming out, we Dads are here to toss a ball back and forth a few times to say "We see you. We support you. We love you." Since then, we have attended multiple Festivals in the South Central Pennsylvania area. In 2024, the process of creating an official 501c3, nonprofit entity has been started. At this particular time, donations are not tax deductible. We hope to be an official nonprofit by the Fall of 2024.
Any donations will be put towards expanding PCWAD across the US. Funds will be used to advertise in larger markets to attract other Dad's willing to join the movement and begin attending their own events as PCWAD, and help them with costs for signs, shirts, vendor fees and other small expenses needed to attend those events. We also hope to send existing members to new areas to also help establish a footprint. Funds may also be used to cover legal expenses for nonprofit creation.
PCWAD will be attending Sand Diego Pride for the first time in July, 2024.