Support Persaudaraan Pekerja Anarko Sindikalis
Persaudaraan Pekerja Anarko Sindikalis (PPAS) is a resistance organisation of the working class in Indonesia. PPAS is asking for support to defend themselves against repressive measures taken by the Indonesian State against them. Currently, one member has been arrested.
Since May Day, there has been a constant media focus in Indonesia blaming anarcho-syndicalism for the recent unrest. The funds donated will go to legal costs for those arrested comrades.
GoFundme requires I explain that I am a member of the ASF-IWA, the Australian section of the International Workers Association (IWA-AIT) and that GoFundme donations are transferred from my account to the ASF-IWA account, and on to PPAS by bank transfer.
This can be confirmed by contacting PPAS directly, or the ASF by asfiwasec[AT]gmail.com or info[AT]asf-iwa.org.au, the the IWA-AIT itself.
Email: ppassolidaritas[AT]gmail.com
Twitter: @jktppas
Thank you in advance. Long live the resistance of the working class. Regards.
Terimakasih sebelumnya kami sampaikan. Panjang umur perlawanan kelas pekerja. Salam.