Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Moving TLS Forest School Forward!

Spende geschützt
Your tax-deductible gift helps support The Lab School’s Forest School by offsetting the cost of safe and reliable transportation to and from the farm each week.

During weekly visits to our local farm partner, Gnarled Oak Farm, our learners build foundational literacy, math, and agricultural skills, confidence, independence, and creativity through hands-on, nature-based experiences.

The Lab School of Memphis equips and empowers learners academically, relationally, and emotionally. In an environment that honors learners' natural curiosity and cultivates community and the ability to think critically and compassionately, we are rethinking how children flourish.

To learn more, visit www.TheLabSchoolofMemphis.com

Spenden (4)

  • Lindsy Ogawa
    • 150 $ 
    • 3 mois
  • Anonym
    • 200 $ 
    • 7 mois
  • Kima Richard
    • 150 $ 
    • 10 mois
  • Veronica Carpenter
    • 25 $ 
    • 2 ans
Werde einer der ersten Unterstützer

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Coi Morrison
Memphis, TN

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