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Support Native ChocTalk

Don protégé
Halito! I'm Rachael Youngman, Creator & Podcaster for Native ChocTalk, A Podcast by Natives, for All. I grew up in Anadarko, Oklahoma where my dad was an art teacher at Riverside Indian School.

As a Choctaw, I knew quite a bit of our family history, but after my great grandmother's death when I was in my 20s, I realized that only a small portion of her story was actually captured, much less preserved.

I assumed my family wasn't the only one in this situation of stories fading away with time. How many others out there wished to preserve these precious pieces of history but weren't sure how to do so?

This is why I started Native ChocTalk - so that Native Americans may share and preserve their stories, culture and traditions. Family members and friends may hear these accounts of history for all time, spoken by the story teller in their own voice and in their own words.

On the show and on my website, I also support Native causes and Native-owned businesses.

For more information, see

In addition to my full-time job (which helps me to fund the podcast out of my own pocket), I spend an additional 33 hours per week interviewing guests as candidates to be on the show, writing scripts, recording, editing, managing social media, updating the website with each episode, managing my business, traveling to meet guests in person on occasion and more.

I am seeking sponsors in the form of ad space or donations* of time or money to help me keep Native ChocTalk up and running. Any bit helps, big or small, and with your support, I can improve, grow and maintain Native ChocTalk as a preserver of our Indigenous history and stories!

I'm truly grateful for your consideration and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.



*FYI, Native ChocTalk is a for-profit LLC (not a non-profit).


Rachael Ellen Youngman
Barrington, IL

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