Support my friends in Kyiv -who are in jeopardy
Donation protected

Hi all kind donators
Its thursday 11th April
We have heard today Serhii ( dad) has bought the vehicle above which will be adapted a little for off road driving- using our £500 for this task
The cost of vehicles in ukraine is higher than general due to the terrible war there, and limited sources of cars- so the range rover was £4.5k
He is very pleased and can now do his important work !
We wanted to thank you sincerely,
he is very grateful, as are we here in Stroud ( his family.

Lots of love
Clare Fisher xx
I’m Clare and currently have a three-generation family from Ukraine with me, the father is in Ukraine based near Kyiv .
The situation is dire and people are news weary here, but recently assaults have increased on civilian life, and I’m raising funds to get dad a car out in Ukraine
Vehicles are expensive there but he has a major role to play and needs transportation- volunteer support is vital to resource Ukraine in the current climate.
I have direct link through my Ukrainian family living with me, to evidence that funds raised will be transferred directly to dad so he can get a car that will literally be life saving
All who know me are aware that I have little by way of personal resources, and would only appeal in genuine need, you know that I’m trustworthy and my word is my bond.
Slava - peace is dependent on us leaving no one behind and caring for those most vulnerable- we cannot ignore this situation on our European doorstep - so please dig deep and I will personally bless you with my Buddhist prayers!
We know that peace can’t be built on allowing our neighbours to suffer- we must take action to protect our elderly, children, disabled and vulnerable people world wide All funds raised will go toward getting a life saving vehicle in Kyiv
I can’t describe further except to say I have seen first hand through my Ukrainian friends here, the suffering and toll on humans that war is creating.
thank you, love and peace , Clare
Anna Fisher