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Support Last Call Theatre's Pirates Wanted!

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We are thrilled to begin fundraising for our next immersive & interactive show, Pirates Wanted! We hope you will consider supporting this ambitious and exciting production!

Pirates Wanted! started from the simple idea of "what if we did an immersive show on an actual ship?" Over the next year and a half, that thought transformed and grew into the magical explosion of adventure, love, and diversity that is Pirates Wanted! Through the lens of a colorful and queer pirate crew, Pirates Wanted! embraces the idea that everyone can be a pirate.

Pirates Wanted! performs April 2024 aboard the American Pride, a beautiful 130-ft, 3-masted tall ship operated by the Los Angeles Maritime Institute. Audience members will be able to explore this majestic vessel as if they were actual pirates, while docked near the Port of Los Angeles, right by the Los Angeles Maritime Museum.

Creating an immersive show on an actual tall ship makes this show our most ambitious venue yet. As a result, our costs are much higher than previous productions. We need YOUR HELP to create the adventure of Pirates Wanted! Even just $10 can help us get closer to our goal!

In order to create immersive theatre at the rate that Last Call does (Pirates Wanted! being our 6th show in less than 2 years) we need your support in funding this art! Thank you in advance for your contribution.

The Show:
Have you ever wanted to be a pirate? Join Captain Souvanna and her crew on a wild and wacky pirate adventure as they first attempt to steal a ship from the British Royal Navy and then turn a ship full of landlubbers into actual seaworthy pirates. As the Captain races to prove her crew to the Great Pirate Council, the threat of sirens and their magic comes to light and rumors of mutiny abound. Currents of danger, betrayal, magic, music, adventure, and love will rock the core of this crew, and it's up to the audience to decide whether they'll sink or swim as they navigate these unfamiliar waters.

Your Contribution:
Your donation will go towards creating the world of the show through our incredible venue the tall ship American Pride, intricate props, and dashing and rogueish costumes for our pirate crew. Your contribution will also go towards paying our talented narrative team, designers, producers, and actors.

We hope you will choose to support our production; every contribution helps!

Other Ways You Can Support:
Can’t donate right now but still want to support?

Please share this GoFundMe far and wide! The more eyes we get on our campaign, the more likely we are to reach our goal!

Program Ads: Purchase ads in our program for Pirates Wanted! Hundreds of patrons attend and love Last Call shows. If you want to get your business in front of the eyes of our attendees, contact us for pricing and more details.

The Cast
Captain Souvanna - Bonnie-Lynn Montaño
Penn Silver - Isabel Moon
Grim - Ronen Rinzler
Draken - Shelby Ryan Lee
Silas - Mikey Takla
Oats Weetle/Charlemagne - Mads Durbin
Aoife O'Malley - Ashley Busenlener
Jon - Kawika Aguilar
Harry Grey - Riley Cole
Callum Ferguson - Landon Lopez
Deckhand/Swing for Souvanna, Silas & Grim - Darica Louie
Deckhand/Swing for Penn, Oats & Aoife - Tory Renee Hatcher
Deckhand/Swing for Callum & Harry - Alexander Whitover

Production/Creative Team:
Ashley Busenlener- Creative Lead/Producer
Brit Baltazar- Director
Riley Cole- Producer
Jacob Zorehkey- Producer/Assistant Dramaturg
Kelly Glaubig- Stage Manager
Suzie Hicks- Assistant Director
Kale Hinthorn- Costume Designer
Nicholas May- Props Designer
Ronen Rinzler- Composer/Lyricist
Sabrina Sonner- Dramaturg
Shoshanna Ruth Green- Fight Choreographer
Narrative Team: Brit Baltazar, Ashley Busenlener, Charly Charney Cohen, Riley Cole, Kale Hinthorn, Liviera Lim, Sabrina Sonner, and Jacob Zorehkey

About Last Call Theatre:
Last Call Theatre is an LA-based immersive theatre company that specializes in creating highly interactive and engaging worlds for audiences to explore. Last Call productions give the audience the agency to affect the world around them, with every individual's choices having a lasting impact on the narrative. Audiences become a part of the story, making every performance unique. Learn more at

Instagram: @lastcalltheatre
TikTok: @lastcalltheatre
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  • Cynthia Sampson
    • 500 $ 
    • 4 mois
  • alexandra smiley
    • 15 $ 
    • 5 mois
  • Hayden Muncy
    • 60 $ 
    • 5 mois
  • alexandra smiley
    • 15 $ 
    • 5 mois
  • Anonyme
    • 25 $ 
    • 5 mois
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Last Call Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

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