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Support Kismet to be danced in India

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Kismet, Ocean in a Drop is a dance piece choreographed by Sashar Zarif that examines the limitations of freedom, wondering if—in walking our path—we are determining or accepting our fate. Surrendering to the call of stillness with glides of movement, can we claim serenity in the midst of passing and possessing? 

Sashar Zarif Dance Theatre will be participating in the Kajuraho Dance Festival in India being held between February 20th-28th, 2023. We are an ensemble of five dancers/performers based in Toronto, Canada; Sashar, Ethan, Mairead, Kathia and Sully. 

Your support will grant us the opportunity to share our contemporary dance ritual at the Kajuraho Dance Festival. The money that is donated to us will be used to support our travel expenses for this India tour. We thank you all for being so generous in your donations. For more information on Sashar Zarif and Sashar Zarif Dance Theatre, please visit our website: www.sashardance.com 

About Kismet قسمت 

In the spirit of the light we carry within, to illuminate and learn from our dark nights, and embrace our bright days.  

Kismet قسمت is a ritual of transforming fate to Destiny. What will you do with what is given to you? A thrumming auditory call reverberates among the quartet of dancers and singers whose breaths and bodies collaboratively create painterly images, spilling one into another. A river of dance and sound whose ebb and flow are as hypnotising and collective as any body of water. A self-study through memory which investigates the idea that identity is not the product but rather the process of an ongoing constructive negotiation amongst the cultures, languages, and experiences that we each carry with ourselves.  

Kismet قسمت is presented in the contemporary style of Mugham which is an integrated practice Zarif has developed that blends dance, music, and storytelling inspired and informed by the Sufi and Shamanic rituals of Islamic societies. In it, words communicate the mental, music transmits the emotional, and dance conveys the physical. These influences on the work are deeply rooted in Sashar Zarif’s nomadic ancestry.  


Sashar Zarif
North York, ON

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