Let’s Show Our Love!
My daughter, Kara, was diagnosed with breast cancer in August, 2019. She underwent 16 weeks of chemotherapy treatments. Then, mastectomy surgery and reconstruction. Then, radiation treatments. There is still a final procedure to be completed. And, the medical bills keep coming in, and never stop. Her health insurance is minimal.
Kara kept working at her job, but to complicate matters, COVID-19 shut down the Connecticut economy, and the restaurant where she worked. She had no job to go back to when she was finally physically able.
Kara is, of course, at high risk for the virus because of her compromised immune system. She is isolated at home and feeling overwhelmed by the medical bills. She tries to maintain a positive outlook,but it’s not easy! It hasn’t been easy for her to ask for help, either. Kara is very private and prides herself with being able to be responsible and take care of herself.
My aim, by creating this Go Fund Me page, is to relieve some of the stress she is feeling. Whether you can give $1 or $100 doesn’t matter. I just want to shower her with kindness.
Thank you for listening, and thank you for caring.