Help Cousins Iyad and Iyad Survive
Donation protected
“We are two families working on one campaign to collect donations so that we can afford food, safety and survival for ourselves, our parents, and our siblings. I am Iyad and my family consists of eight people.

I have five young sisters and my father is disabled and cannot work and suffers from back injury problems. I was studying at University and my life goal was to finish it and graduate. I was living in a beautiful house in Northern Gaza, but the war destroyed everything for me and my future. I was displaced from October 7 on and have been moved many times.

The other Iyad, my cousin (with my same name) also has a painful story.

His house, too, was completely destroyed and his hope for an academic future was also destroyed. He almost graduated and traveled to get a high university degree in his field of engineering in the major countries. He has seven younger brothers and his father is sick with a chronic disease.

We both now live in tents with our large families, and with the approach of winter we have been exposed to several serious traumas and have been displaced several times because of the occupation. In the midst of all of this, we fear not only serious injury, but even small illnesses or injuries can become serious without medicine to treat them. And in this dangerous environment and constant displacement in the winter months, illness and injury is common in our big families.

If enough people donated whatever they could afford, even just $5-10, it would make a huge difference.”
These are Iyad’s words, telling his and his cousins’ stories. I, personally, am a friend of Iyad’s. I talk to him daily and I know his situation very well, and personally it breaks my heart every day that we cannot do more for these innocent people. If we cannot end this terrible genocide, than perhaps we can just give what we can do help these individual families have the things they need to survive the winter and—eventually, when the Rafah Crossing is open—hopefully evacuate to safety.
Everyone who donates to this cause understands the importance of helping these innocent victims of displacement, and I will make sure to protect and respect every donation and promise I have secure ways of getting the funds to Iyad. Thank you to all who donate and share this campaign to others.
You can read his own words and follow his story on his Twitter (X) page:

Kimberly Nicovic
Scottsdale, AZ