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On Saturday 15th of February 2020, our beloved nephew Jahrece White was in a tragic accident resulting in a major head injury in Baldivis, Western Australia.

Jahrece is the eldest son of Roxanne, and beloved brother to Kahsius and Chainberlin.

He is currently fighting for his life in the Royal Perth Hospital and he is critical.

Jahrece is a past Rockingham Senior High School Student and last year he graduated from John Tonkin College in Mandurah.

Jahrece excels in basketball and shows a promising future within WA, Australia and overseas, recently being invited to join the 2020 Aussie Prospects Tour to the USA to showcase his talent to many colleges within the American Basketball League.

He has just recently turned 18 on the 5th of February, (a birthday which he also shares  with his mum Roxanne) and recently got to celebrate being “legal” with his close friends in Bali.

Originally from New Zealand with whanau ties to Taranaki and Paihia/Waitangi.

The prognosis is not positive and we are asking anyone who knows Jahrece or even if you don’t know him, please help his mum be supported by her loved ones  and the extra expenses that go on top of a tragedy like this would help her dearly.

Your donation is greatly appreciated!
May you all be blessed for showing your love and support to Rox while her boy is
fighting the biggest battle of his life. ❤️




  • Aloma Hazelton
    • $20
    • 4 yrs


Kiri Ann
Port Kennedy, WA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt