Support for Fr. Vaughn Treco and family
Fr. Vaughn Treco is a Catholic priest of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter and former parochial administrator of the Church of St. Bede the Venerable in St. Louis Park, MN who has been unfairly and unjustly suspended, and is threatened with excommunication by his bishop, His Excellency Steven J. Lopes.
On the Feast of Christ the King on November 25th, 2018, Fr. Treco delivered a homily that explains the root of the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, and exposes the rot that infects the current hierarchy. This homily was posted to "The Remnant TV" YouTube channel (with Fr. Treco's explicit permission) and has, of the time of this writing, over 41,000 views (linked below.) For this, Bishop Lopes removed Fr. Treco as administrator, and then two weeks later suspended him entirely as a priest. Included in the notice of suspension, was a threat of excommunication in 60 days from the notice if he did not recant of the homily. Though it has been asked, the bishop nor any of the chancery officials have provided any information or specifics for what is wrong in the homily, only vague allusions to not being allowed to "criticize popes."
For more information on the specifics of who Fr. Treco is and greater details on exactly what happened, see the linked article below. Suffice to say, Fr. Vaughn Treco is a priest in the mold of St. John Vianney, and easily the best man I have ever met. He is being persecuted and suppressed by a hierarchy that wants the status quo of the last 50+ years to be maintained at all costs.
Unfortunately, Fr. Treco's only source of income was his pastoral ministry, primarily as a hospital chaplain. Not only did he rely on this income, but as a former Anglican clergyman, he is married and so his wife, Norma, does as well. Due to his suspension, he is no longer able to function as a priest and can no longer perform those duties. Thus, he has lost the entirety of his income. Furthermore, he and his wife have had to move out of the rectory they were living in and move in with family temporarily before another housing opportunity (already arranged) opens up in June. This has caused additional costs.
In total, due to the move and other expenses including insurance back premiums, Fr. Treco and his wife have a total of immediate expenses in the excess of $15,000. Although a canonical appeal for the reinstatement of his priestly faculties was filed with the chancery of the Ordinariate, the Bishop nor any of those who work for him have even acknowledged the receipt of this paperwork. Therefore his reinstatement is unlikely. Until he can find gainful employment in the secular world, which will likely not be for several months, he requires financial support.
Initially, Fr. Treco did not want to set up a GoFundMe or other crowdfunding source, but after the initial volume of requests for support came in and upon the counsel of another priest, he has agreed to allow me to set this up to help him. Whatever you can give in however much is greatly appreciated. Please help my pastor survive this persecution.
If you are unable to assist financially then the best way you can help is through your prayers. Fr. Treco remains faithful to the Catholic Church, he remains subject to the Holy See and the Vicar of Christ, and most of all, he remains faithful to Our Lord, nor does he bear ill will toward his bishop. Please send your prayers that he be sustained in this time and ask for Our Lord's will in what shall be done regarding his priesthood. You can also help by sharing this on social media and with friends who you think may be able to assist.
To learn more about Fr. Treco and what has been done to him, please read this article I had published in mid-February.
And to hear the excellent homily that started all of this trouble, click the link below.
Please, share this wherever you can.
With great thanks and appreciation,
Jonathan and Evie Schwartzbauer
Parishioners at the Church of St. Bede the Venerable and personal friends of Fr. Vaughn and Norma Treco