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Support for Danielle in Jade's Memory

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Update: I want to say thank you so so much for any and everyone who has donated and supported Danielle! Danielle is not going to be able to back to work for some time. She is having a very hard time as are Jade’s siblings that need their mother now more than ever.

Hi my name is Abby Perkins, one of my best friends Danielle Meister lost her 15 year old daughter to a tragic accident last night. Danielle is needing help to be able to have a beautiful service that sweet Jade so much deserves. We know times are hard for everyone, ANYTHING WILL HELP! Jade was taken was to soon and so much more life to live. Please help with taking some of the financial burden off of Danielle as she begins the grieving process of her baby girl. Danielle didn’t have any life insurance on Jade so everything will be out of pocket that most of us do not have or are prepared for. Jade’s services will be announced once arranged, she will be going to the funeral home tomorrow to set up the arrangements. Thank you to anyone that can donate or share!


Abby Perkins
Cincinnati, OH

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